
Comedy drama about two friends - one Deaf, one hearing! Can they make it rich?

27m 58s

Comedy-drama (2010) about two chancers, Andy, who is Deaf, and Jez, hearing, who are broke and living in a van. After their other ideas fail, they dream up what they think is the perfect get-rich-quick scheme. But can they get away with pretending that Andy is psychic? When a television programme threatens to make Andy a star, their deception is pushed to the limit. Starring Jacob Casselden, 50/50 was written by James Banks and directed by David Ellington.

Winner of the Best Directors at Ippocampus Ciak International Deaf Cinema Festival (2010); Best Actor (Jacob Casselden) at International Sign Language Festival (2010), and Best Comedy at Toronto International Deaf Film and Arts Festival (2011)



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