You, Me (Zoom Focus 2012)
Emotional drama about the closure of a Deaf school.
OMGenius Series 1: Episode 8 - Ride The Lightning
Jazzy and Benny see some kids testing a clever trick to avoid getting an electric shock.
OMGenius Series 1: Episode 5 - Under Pressure
Jazzy and Benny learn that keeping gas under high pressure can have explosive consequences.
OMGenius Series 1: Episode 4 - Super Strength
Jazzy and Benny see the super strength of a single egg and learn how strong ceramic materials can be!
OMGenius Series 1: Episode 3 - Food Explosions
Jazzy and Benny see a giant gummy bear erupting into a huge fiery fountain!
Tree Fairy
A Deaf girl asks a fairy for a special Christmas wish!